Heavy Equipment Fleet Management App: Your Digital Navigator

A fleet’s success relies on many moving parts, one of the most crucial being effective management. With the right app, you can turn a complicated and time-consuming process into a smooth, streamlined operation. Welcome to the future of heavy equipment fleet management with Clear Telematics.

Track From Anywhere and Make Your Business Global

In the digital age, boundaries have become blurrier. The ability to manage your heavy equipment fleet from any corner of the world is no longer a fantasy but a reality. The Clear Telematics heavy equipment fleet management app provides you with the power of ultimate accessibility. Track your equipment, get real-time updates, and stay in control of your business operations, no matter where you are.

Whether you’re at the office, at home, or on a business trip, our app offers you peace of mind by providing intuitive tracking features. With Clear Telematics, your business is always within your reach, and your operations never have to pause. Enjoy the flexibility of managing your fleet right from your mobile device.

Don’t miss out on the convenience and control with our app that allows you to track from anywhere.

Never Miss a Service With Manage Service Intervals

Keeping your heavy equipment in prime condition is crucial for maintaining a steady flow in your operations. The Clear Telematics app comes with a Manage Service Intervals feature that helps you track and plan the necessary service intervals for your equipment.

Our app helps you avoid costly downtime and equipment failure. Get timely reminders and schedule services for your fleet equipment without any hassle. By utilizing the Manage Service Intervals feature, you’ll find the balance between equipment maintenance and productivity.

Ready for a world where unexpected breakdowns and expensive repairs are a thing of the past? Find out more about manage service intervals.

clear telematics wired gps device

Is there a simpler way to manage your equipment?

Learn how Clear Telematics can benefit your business by scheduling a free phone meeting with one of our representatives.

Start tracking your equipment and vehicles today!

Secure Your Assets with Geofencing

The Clear Telematics app isn’t just about managing your fleet—it’s also about securing it. Our geofencing feature allows you to set predefined boundaries for your equipment. Any movement beyond these boundaries triggers real-time alerts, providing an added layer of security for your assets.

Geofencing also helps in monitoring unauthorized use of equipment and increases operational efficiency by ensuring your fleet is exactly where it should be. With our heavy equipment fleet management app, you’re not just managing your fleet; you’re also protecting it.

Curious about how geofencing can enhance your fleet security? Discover more about our geofencing feature.

More Profitable Fleet Management

It’s time to turn your heavy equipment fleet into a profit-generating powerhouse with Clear Telematics. Our app is designed to increase your fleet’s efficiency and reduce unnecessary costs, ultimately making your business more profitable.

Track idle times, manage service intervals, and enhance security. All these aspects contribute to significant cost savings and increased productivity, leading to higher profits. Our app puts you in the driver’s seat, empowering you to steer your business toward greater financial success.

Are you ready to increase your bottom line? Learn more about how our app can make your fleet more profitable.

Go Green with Paperless Fleet Management

In a world moving towards sustainable practices, it’s time to bid goodbye to paper records. Clear Telematics brings you an intuitive and eco-friendly approach to manage your heavy equipment fleet with our paperless feature.

No more cluttered files or lost documents. With our app, all your fleet’s crucial data is stored digitally, making it easy to access, update, and maintain. A paperless fleet is not just eco-friendly but also efficient, reducing the time spent on manual record-keeping.

Ready to embrace the future of fleet management? Learn more about paperless fleet management.

keep track of your fleet

How it Works

As the owners of more than 1,500 industrial machines, we wanted one economical way to track all our equipment.

Designed for economy in the real world

One simple system for all your equipment

Sturdy hardware that fits any machine

Embrace the Power of Real-Time

In the fast-paced world of heavy equipment fleet management, time is of the essence. That’s why Clear Telematics offers real-time updates and alerts. Monitor your fleet’s status, location, and health in real-time, keeping you a step ahead and ensuring that no issue goes unnoticed.

With real-time data at your fingertips, you can make quick, informed decisions, avoid potential problems, and keep your operations running smoothly. With Clear Telematics, stay informed, stay prepared, and stay ahead.

Experience the benefits of real-time updates for yourself. Learn more about our real-time features.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a heavy equipment fleet management app?
    • A heavy equipment fleet management app like Clear Telematics provides a digital solution for managing and tracking a fleet of heavy equipment. The app offers features like real-time tracking, service management, geofencing, and more to streamline operations and increase efficiency.
  • Does Clear Telematics app offer real-time updates?
    • Yes, our app provides real-time updates on your fleet’s status, location, and health, allowing you to stay informed and make quick, informed decisions.
  • Can I manage service intervals for my equipment with the app?
    • Yes, our app comes with a Manage Service Intervals feature that helps you track and plan the necessary service intervals for your equipment.
  • How can the Clear Telematics app make my fleet more profitable?
    • The app increases efficiency by reducing idle times, managing service intervals, and enhancing security. All these contribute to cost savings and increased productivity, leading to higher profits.
  • Is the Clear Telematics app eco-friendly?
    • Yes, with our app, all your fleet’s crucial data is stored digitally, reducing the need for some paper records, making it an eco-friendly solution.
  • Can I track my fleet from anywhere with the Clear Telematics app?
    • Yes, our app allows you to track your heavy equipment fleet from any corner of the world, offering you flexibility and control.
  • Does the app offer a geofencing feature?
    • Yes, our app includes a geofencing feature that allows you to set predefined boundaries for your equipment, enhancing the security of your assets.
  • Do I need any special equipment to use the Clear Telematics app?
    • No, the Clear Telematics app can be used on smartphone or tablet browser, making it accessible and easy to use.
  • Is the Clear Telematics app easy to use?
    • Yes, our app is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It’s easy to navigate, with a clean and intuitive interface.
  • What kind of heavy equipment can I manage with the app?
  • Can I manage multiple fleets with the Clear Telematics app?
    • Yes, our app supports multi-fleet management, allowing you to effectively oversee numerous fleets at the same time.
  • Can I customize the features of the Clear Telematics app?
    • Yes, our app allows for a certain degree of customization to cater to the unique needs of your fleet and business operations.
  • Can the Clear Telematics app help reduce downtime?
    • Yes, with features like Manage Service Intervals and real-time alerts, our app can help reduce equipment downtime and prevent costly repairs.
  • Does the app monitor fuel consumption?
    • No, currently, our app does not monitor fuel consumption.
  • Does the app monitor engine performance?
    • No, currently, our app does not monitor engine performance.
  • Is Clear Telematics app secure?
    • Yes, the security of your data is our top priority. Our app uses advanced security measures to ensure your data is protected.

Take the first step towards optimizing your heavy equipment fleet management with Clear Telematics. Explore the multitude of features that our app offers, designed with your success in mind. Make the shift to a more streamlined, efficient, and profitable future for your heavy equipment fleet.